62 anos de inclusão do deficiente visual



منابع مشابه

Evolução dos Temas de Interesse do SBBD ao Longo dos Anos

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Hiperceratose epidermolítica: um seguimento de 23 anos de uso de retinoides orais

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Forty years of a psychiatric day hospital Quarenta anos de um hospital de dia de psiquiatria

Introduction: Day hospitals in psychiatry are a major alternative to inpatient care today, acting as key components of community and social psychiatry. Objective: To study trends in the use of psychiatric day hospitals over the last decades of the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century, focusing on patient age, sex, and diagnostic group, using data from Centro Hospitalar São João...

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Seguimento de 11 pacientes com transtorno bipolar por cinco anos

Objective: To study the long-term follow-up of patients with bipolar disorder (BPD). Method: Eleven outpatients with BPD type I were followed up naturalistically for five years at a university teaching hospital. The Clinical Global Impression Scale (BPD version) was used to evaluate the occurrence of affective episodes, and the Strauss-Carpenter Outcome Scale was used to evaluate social and occ...

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عنوان ژورنال: Comunicação & Educação

سال: 2009

ISSN: 2316-9125,0104-6829

DOI: 10.11606/issn.2316-9125.v14i1p99-106